SparkTutorials has moved to the official Spark webpage at
I have stopped writing tutorials for Spark though, focusing on my new Java/Kotlin web framework Javalin

Using Spark with Kotlin to create a simple CRUD REST API

Learn how to use Kotlin with Spark by creating a simple CRUD REST API.

Creating an AJAX todo-list without writing JavaScript

Learn how to create a modern single page application in Spark and intercooler.js without writing JavaScript.

Creating a library website with login and multiple languages

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a basic Spark application with filters, controllers, views, authentication, localization, error handling, and more.

Using WebSockets and Spark to create a real-time chat app

In this tutorial you will learn to work with WebSockets to create a real-time chat app.
Some (simple) JavaScript is required.

Deploying Spark on Heroku

In this tutorial you will learn how to deploy a Hello World application on Heroku!

Setting up Spark with Maven

In this tutorial you will learn how to set up a Spark project using Maven. It's aimed at Java beginners, and will show you how to set up your project in IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.